Hamburger Umweltinstitut e.V. (HUI)

The Hamburger Umweltinstitut e.V. (Hamburg Environmental Institute - Center for Social and Ecological Technology) was founded in 1989 for scientific research on environmental solutions. It is a registered, independent, non-profit organization with an tax-exempt status.

Basis of work

Environmentally sustainable solutions require social and technical co-operation as well as environmental expertise. The Hamburg Environmental Institute combines these to implement practical solutions to global environmental issues. The Institute co-operates with educational institutions, laboratories, environmental organizations, individuals, governments, and corporations worldwide. The Hamburg Environmental Institute offers a basis for scientific discussions on the sustainability of products and production processes.


  • Scientific research on intelligent solutions for environmental problems for citizens groups, environmental organizations, municipalities, farmers associations, media and individuals who lack financial resources.
  • Developing environmentally sustainable concepts for industrial and agricultural processes, and urban development.
  • Testing and implementing environmental technologies, for example on biomass nutrient recycling. The institute is a world-class expert on biomass remediation of waste water. Pilot projects have been developed in Brazil and China in collaboration with local municipalities, private donors and the European Community.
  • Expanding sustainable uses of renewable energy and raw materials.
  • TOP 50 Project - Ranking on the Environ-mental Performance of the World´s Largest Chemical and Pharmaceutical Companies.
  • Workshops and seminars for scientific discussions or public informations.
  • Independent scientific research, studies and publications on topics like:
    • environmental and health effects of waste incinerators and land fills.
    • effects of environmental toxins on eco-logical systems and human health.
    • hazardous substances in household products, building material and interior furnishings.

Hamburg Environmental Institute is an independent organization which undertakes most of its scientific work through volunteer work by scientists. Organizations also donate facilities and resources. Financial donations and support come mostly from individuals but also from foundations, governments and corporations.