
Support the work of the Hamburger Umweltinstitut

The Hamburger Umweltinstitut is an independent nonprofit organization which undertakes most of its scientific work through the volunteer work efforts of scientists. Organizations also donate facilities and resources. Financial donations and support come mostly from individuals, but also from foundations, governments and corporations. All donations to Hamburg Environmental Institute are tax exempt.

Support the work of the Hamburger Umweltinsitut by donations
to the following account in Germany: 

Hamburger Umweltinstitut e.V.
IBAN: DE84 20050550 1322 122100
Hamburger Sparkasse
Keyword: Donation [Year] (e.g. Donation 2021)

Thank you very much.

Upon request, we will gladly issue a donation receipt after receipt of the monetary donation at the beginning of the following year. For this we need your name and address.